Kings Park
Jewish Center
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94 East Main Street
PO Box 301

Kings Park, NY 11754


A New High Holiday Schedule!!! Please click on the link below to view!!!!

 High Holy Day Schedule 5780

The Kings Park Jewish Center is an Egalitarian Conservative congregation.

We pride ourselves on our commitment to traditional Judaism, while embracing people from all levels and backgrounds of Jewish knowledge and practice. We are a synagogue where family and friends gather together in comfortable spiritual, social and physical arenas to celebrate all life cycle events. We pride ourselves on our cordiality, informality, and inclusion of the entire family, both during services and in synagogue life. We invite you to learn more about our community by attending synagogue events and services.

Come to the synagogue and to say hello.

Our doors are always open.

Please email us at for further details.

Toby Everett


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